How Promotes World Peace Through Emotional Sharing

What if you could contribute to world peace by simply sharing your emotions for three minutes a day? That is the idea behind ://, a website and an app that aims to create a global community of people who practice daily mindfulness and emotional awareness. / was founded by Deborah Greene, a filmmaker and peace activist who believes that peace starts from within. She developed the concept of “3 ft of Peace”, which means that each person can create peace in their own sphere of influence by being calm and compassionate.

How works? helps users achieve this by offering a platform for emotional sharing and connection. Users can take three-minute sessions to reflect on their emotions and choose three words that describe how they are feeling. They can also record a 15-second video of their emotional state and share it with other users. The app then maps the emotions of users around the world and shows who else is feeling the same way. This way, users can see that they are not alone in their feelings and that they are part of a larger human family. :// also donates 25% of its proceeds to non-profits that promote peace initiatives. By using /, users can not only improve their own well-being, but also support the cause of world peace through emotional sharing. 

Peace initiatives supported by

Some examples of peace initiatives that :// supports are:

  • Religica, a non-profit organization that promotes interfaith dialogue and cooperation
  • The Shakespeare Behind Bars program, which uses theatre and conflict resolution to help incarcerated youth and adults
  • The Our State of Peace documentary series, which showcases stories of peace from different communities and cultures
  • The Peace Innovation Lab at Stanford University, which researches and develops new ways to increase positive peace using technology and social psychology
  • The PeaceJam Foundation, which connects Nobel Peace Laureates with young people to inspire them to become peace leaders

These are just some of the examples of the peace initiatives that :// supports. mental health

:// is a website and an app that aims to improve the mental health of individuals and society by promoting daily mindfulness and emotional awareness. According to its founder, Deborah Greene, / can have a positive impact on mental health by:

  • Helping users achieve “3 ft of Peace” by offering a platform for emotional sharing and connection. Users can take three-minute sessions to reflect on their emotions and choose three words that describe how they are feeling. They can also record a 15-second video of their emotional state and share it with other users. This can help users improve their emotional intelligence, self-awareness, and empathy. It can also help them reduce stress, anxiety, and anger.
  • Mapping the emotions of users around the world and showing who else is feeling the same way. Users can see a global map of emotions, they can zoom in and out to see different regions and countries, they can also filter by time, date, and emotion. This can help users see that they are not alone in their feelings and that they are part of a larger human family. It can also help them learn about the emotional diversity and similarity of different cultures and communities.
  • Supporting the mental health of people in post-conflict settings. :// donates 25% of its proceeds to non-profits that promote peace initiatives, some of which focus on the mental health of people affected by war and violence. For example, Religica is a non-profit organization that promotes interfaith dialogue and cooperation, which can help heal the psychological wounds of religious conflicts.

/ is based on the premise that peace starts from within, and that by improving our own mental health, we can also contribute to the mental health of others and the world.

Conclusion is more than just a website and an app. It is a movement for peace that starts from within. By practicing daily mindfulness and emotional awareness, users can improve their own well-being and create peace in their own sphere of influence. By sharing their emotions and connecting with others, users can see that they are part of a larger human family and learn from the emotional diversity and similarity of different cultures and communities. By supporting peace initiatives through donations, users can make a difference in the lives of people affected by war and violence.:// invites you to join the movement and become part of the solution for world peace. You can start by visiting their website and taking your first three-minute session today. You will be amazed by how much you can achieve in just three minutes of peace.