country whose name is a facial feature + a

New York Times Mini Crossword puzzle: Country whose name is a facial feature + a Nyt Crossword Clue

If you are looking for a fun and challenging way to test your knowledge of geography, culture, and trivia, you might want to try the New York Times Mini Crossword puzzle, Country whose name is a facial feature + a. The Mini Crossword is a smaller version of the daily crossword puzzle that you can solve in a few minutes. It features clues that are often witty, clever, and sometimes tricky. One example of such a clue is “Country whose name is a facial feature + a”. Can you guess which country it is? If you need a hint, you can also look at the Nyt Crossword Clue that accompanies the Mini Crossword puzzle. The Nyt Crossword Clue is a blog that provides tips, hints, and explanations for the daily crossword puzzles. In this article, we will explore how the Mini Crossword and the Nyt Crossword Clue can help you improve your vocabulary, memory, and general knowledge.

Country whose name is a facial feature + a Nyt Crossword Clue

The clue “Country whose name is a facial feature” is a wordplay that asks you to find a country whose name also refers to a part of the face. The answer is China, which is also a word for the lower jaw or chin. A Nyt Crossword Clue is a blog that provides hints and explanations for the daily New York Times crossword puzzles.

Mini Crossword and the Nyt Crossword Clue can help you improve your vocabulary, memory, and general knowledge

The Mini Crossword and the Nyt Crossword Clue can help you improve your vocabulary, memory, and general knowledge by exposing you to new words, facts, and concepts. Solving crossword puzzles can also enhance your cognitive skills, such as problem-solving, reasoning, and attention. By using the Nyt Crossword Clue, you can learn the meanings and origins of the words and phrases that appear in the crossword puzzles. You can also discover interesting trivia and cultural references that relate to the clues. The Mini Crossword and the Nyt Crossword Clue are both fun and educational ways to challenge your mind and expand your horizons.


The NYT Mini Crossword is a fun and challenging way to test your knowledge and vocabulary. The clues are often clever and witty, requiring you to think outside the box. Sometimes, the clues are also related to current events or popular culture, making them more relevant and interesting. The clue “Country whose name is a facial feature + A” is an example of a wordplay clue that uses a homonym to create a pun. The answer, CHINA, is both a country and a part of the face (chin + a). This clue is not only amusing, but also informative, as it teaches you something new about geography and language. The NYT Mini Crossword is a great source of entertainment and education for crossword lovers of all ages and skill levels.