four digits to memorize nyt

PIN: The Answer to the Four Digits to Memorize NYT Crossword Puzzle

If you are a New York Times Mini Crossword fan, you might have encountered a clue that asks you to fill in four digits to memorize nyt. What are these digits and why are they important? The answer is PIN, which stands for Personal Identification Number. A PIN is a secret code to access your bank account, credit card, phone, or other devices. It is usually a four-digit number you must remember and enter correctly to verify your identity. In this article, we will explore the history, benefits, and risks of using PINs, as well as some tips on creating and memorizing a strong PIN.

History of Four Digits to Memorize NYT

The history of “four digits to memorize nyt” is related to the history of PINs, which stands for Personal Identification Numbers. PINs are secret codes used to access bank accounts, credit cards, phones, or other devices. They are usually four-digit numbers that must be remembered and entered correctly to verify one’s identity.

PINs originated with the introduction of the automated teller machine (ATM) in 1967, as an efficient way for banks to dispense cash to their customers. The first ATM system was that of Barclays in London, in 1967; it accepted cheques with machine-readable encoding, rather than cards, and matched the PIN to the cheque.

The New York Times Mini Crossword is a daily puzzle that features clues and answers that are shorter and simpler than the regular crossword. One of the clues that has appeared several times in the mini crossword is “Four digits to memorize”. The answer is PIN, a common word for a small metal object used to fasten fabrics together.

The clue “Four digits to memorize nyt” is a clever way to test the crossword solver’s knowledge of the meaning and the history of PINs. It also reflects the importance of PINs in modern society, as they are used to secure personal and financial information. However, PINs also pose some risks, such as forgetting, losing, or having them stolen by hackers or thieves. Therefore, creating and memorizing a strong PIN that is not easy to guess or crack is advisable.

Some tips on how to create and memorize a strong PIN are:

  • Avoid using personal information, such as your birthday, phone number, address, or social security number, as your PIN. These can be easily found by others or guessed by hackers.
  • Avoid using common or predictable patterns, such as 1234, 0000, 1111, or 2580 (the middle column of a keypad). These are among the most frequently used and most insecure PINs worldwide.
  • Use a random combination of digits that has no obvious meaning or association. You can use a dice, a coin, or a random number generator to create a random PIN.
  • Use a mnemonic device, such as a word, a phrase, or a song, to help you remember your PIN. For example, if your PIN is 4729, you can use the word “GRAP” (the corresponding letters on a phone keypad) or the phrase “Good Rats Are Purple” to memorize it.
  • Change your PIN regularly and do not use the same PIN for different accounts or devices. This way, you can reduce the risk of having your PIN compromised or stolen.

The history of “four digits to memorize nyt” is a fascinating topic combining technology, security, and language. It shows how a simple four-digit code can significantly impact our lives and how a crossword clue can challenge our minds and memories.

Risks of using PINs

Some of the risks of using PINs are:

  • Forgetting or losing your PIN can lock you out of your account or device, or require you to reset your PIN, which can be inconvenient or costly.
  • Having your PIN stolen by hackers or thieves, who can use it to access your personal or financial information, or impersonate you online or offline.
  • Reusing the same PIN for different accounts or devices, which can increase the chance of your PIN being compromised or exposed.
  • Using a weak or predictable PIN, such as your birthday, phone number, or common patterns, which can make it easier for hackers or attackers to guess or crack your PIN.
  • Sharing your PIN with others, such as family members, friends, or coworkers, which can compromise your privacy and security, or violate the terms of service or policies of your account or device.

To avoid these risks, you should create and memorize a strong PIN that is random, unique, and not related to your personal information. You should also change your PIN regularly and not use the same PIN for different accounts or devices. You should also keep your PIN secret and not share it with anyone, or write it down where others can see it. You should also use additional security measures, such as biometrics, encryption, or multi-factor authentication, to protect your account or device from unauthorized access.


In this article, we have explored the history and significance of the four-digit PIN, which is a common clue in the New York Times crossword puzzle. We have learned that the PIN was invented by John Shepherd-Barron in 1967, and that it is based on the idea of a personal identification number that is easy to remember and hard to guess. We have also seen some examples of how to create four digits to memorize nyt a strong PIN, such as using mnemonics, patterns, or associations. We hope that this article has helped you to appreciate the PIN as a clever and convenient invention, and to improve your crossword-solving skills.