what gets bigger the more you take away

What gets bigger the more you take away – Riddles and Puzzles

At the heart of every riddle lies a challenge that beckons the curious mind to unravel its mystery. “What gets bigger the more you take away?” is a classic conundrum that has stumped and delighted puzzle enthusiasts for generations. 

People enjoy solving puzzles for a variety of reasons. Puzzles provide a sense of accomplishment and a dopamine rush that makes us feel good. They challenge our brains, improve our memory and creativity, and can be a form of relaxation and stress relief. Additionally, puzzles can be a social activity, bringing people together to collaborate and share in the joy of solving a problem. Whether it’s the satisfaction of finding a solution or the mental workout puzzles provide, they continue to be a popular pastime for many.

What gets bigger the more you take away

The answer to the riddle “What gets bigger the more you take away?” is a hole. As you remove more material or dig more out, the hole becomes larger. It’s a classic example of a paradoxical riddle that plays with our expectations and understanding of how things typically work. Riddles like this one are not only entertaining but also a great way to exercise the brain and think outside the box. If you enjoy such puzzles, there are many more to explore that can provide a similar challenge and delight.

How do puzzles help improve memory and creativity?

Puzzles are a fantastic way to enhance both memory and creativity. They stimulate the brain by requiring concentration and problem-solving skills, which can improve short-term memory and cognitive functions. When you work on a puzzle, you’re engaging in an activity that requires you to recognize patterns, remember shapes and colors, and envision the bigger picture, all of which can help to strengthen your memory.

Creativity is also boosted through puzzles. They encourage you to think outside the box and come up with innovative solutions. The process of solving a puzzle involves trial and error, which can lead to new ways of thinking and approaching problems. 


In conclusion, the riddle “What gets bigger the more you take away?” serves as a delightful reminder of the power of puzzles to engage our minds and spark our imaginations. Through the simple act of solving riddles, we not only entertain ourselves but also foster critical thinking, enhance memory, and nurture creativity. Riddles like this one are timeless treasures that challenge us to see the world from different perspectives and appreciate the nuances of language and thought. As we continue to explore the vast landscape of puzzles, we carry with us the knowledge that every solution is a step towards greater mental agility and a more vibrant intellect. So, keep puzzling, and may your curiosity always lead you to bigger discoveries, even as you take away the pieces to solve the enigma.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What gets bigger when you take it away?

The answer to the riddle “What gets bigger when you take away?” is a hole. As you remove material or dig more out, the hole enlarges. It’s a clever play on words that challenges our usual understanding of how things work. Riddles like this one are enjoyable because they require us to think differently and creatively about common concepts.

Q: What increases by one when you take one away?

The answer to the riddle “What increases by one when you take one away?” is the number nine. If you take away one stroke from the number nine, it becomes the number ten, which is one more than nine. It’s a clever riddle that plays with visual representation and our understanding of numbers. Riddles like this are fun because they challenge us to think creatively and look at things from a different angle.

Q: What is the answer to the riddle the more you pull the shorter it gets.

The answer to the riddle “The more you pull, the shorter it gets” is a candle. As the candle burns and you pull the wick to trim it, the candle becomes shorter. It’s a clever riddle that uses the action of pulling, typically associated with stretching or lengthening, to describe the process of a candle burning down. Riddles like this one are enjoyable because they play with our expectations and encourage us to think creatively.

Q: What grows up by growing down?

The answer to the riddle “What grows up by growing down?” is a goose. As a goose grows older, it also grows in size, which can be seen as ‘growing up,’ while its feathers grow downwards. It’s a playful riddle that uses the concept of growth in two different directions to create a puzzling question. Riddles like this one are enjoyable because they encourage us to think creatively and consider different meanings of words.

Q: What gets bigger as it gets smaller?

The answer to the riddle “What gets bigger as it gets smaller?” is a volcanic island. As lava builds up the island, making it larger, erosion from waves and rainfall simultaneously wears it down, making it smaller. It’s a fascinating example of how natural forces can work in opposition to create a dynamic balance. Riddles like this one are intriguing because they challenge our understanding of growth and reduction.

Q: What gets bigger the more you take away god of war?

The answer to the riddle “What gets bigger the more you take away?” in the context of the game God of War Ragnarök is a hole. This riddle is posed by the character Brok to Mimir, and it takes Mimir several guesses to figure out the answer. It’s a clever riddle that plays with the concept of subtraction, where removing material creates a larger void, which is represented by the hole. Riddles like this one add an element of intellectual challenge and entertainment to the game’s narrative.

Q: What is so delicate that saying its name breaks it?

The answer to the riddle “What is so delicate that saying its name breaks it?” is silence. When you say the word “silence,” you disrupt the quiet, thus breaking the silence. It’s a clever riddle that plays with the concept of fragility and the power of words. Riddles like this one are enjoyable because they challenge us to think about the meanings and implications of our words.

Q: What gets wetter the more it dries?

The answer to the riddle “What gets wetter the more it dries?” is a towel. As a towel dries something else, like a person or a dish, it absorbs the moisture and becomes wetter itself. It’s a classic riddle that plays with the concept of drying in a way that seems paradoxical at first glance. Riddles like this one are enjoyable because they challenge us to think differently and consider the functions of everyday objects in new ways.

Q: The more you take away the more you leave behind ?

The answer to the riddle “The more you take away, the more you leave behind” is footsteps. Each time you take a step, you leave a footprint behind, which metaphorically means you’re leaving more behind as you continue to walk. It’s a clever play on words that challenges our usual understanding of taking and leaving something behind. Riddles like this one are enjoyable because they make us think in unconventional ways.